Autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free. Design a flexible hose system
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Autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free -- Autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free
The Model browser graphically illustrates the master runs assembly along with the assembly component hierarchy. It also organizes and manipulates tube and pipe data, shows and hides selected components, and controls and provides alternate access to functions from the context menu. Tube ссылка на продолжение pipe design typically has a single master runs assembly primary occurrence, and occasionally multiple master runs assembly secondary occurrences.
The master runs autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free comprises all tube and pipe runs. The run is placed in the browser with other placed components посмотреть еще is arranged in the order it was added to the assembly. You can expand the master runs assembly to display the runs that make up the routed system. Each run autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free one or more associated routes, sketched route points, auto route regions, conduit segmentsand fittings нажмите чтобы прочитать больше make up that run.
The Origin folder for each run contains the run's origin information. The browser filters, design views, and browser views, operate the same as in regular assemblies. It is available when a tube and pipe assembly file is open and active. File names of master runs assembly, runs, routes, and hose assemblies can be determined upon creation.
By default, tube and pipe files use the following naming convention to display the container structure in the Model browser:. Conduit parts hold a custom length so each conduit part corresponds to one file in your workspace, for instance, each pipe segment relates to a file even if pipe segments have the same length and other manufacturing information. Fittings are standard library parts in the Content Center so all occurrences in the same library standard refer to the only local file.
When conduit parts are placed into a tube and pipe assembly from the Content Center using AutoDrop, they are stored in the corresponding pipe run folder and the Content Center file name schema is used.
Use the File Open dialog box to verify the fitting file location:. Indicates that a master runs assembly, посмотреть еще, route, or a flexible hose subassembly is adaptive. Indicates that the route is comatose because it contains errors, such as violations against the minimum and maximum segment lengths defined in the style or has one or more angle violations in the self draining autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free.
Indicates that pipe runs contain one or more routes in the sick condition, for instance, adaptivity of tube and pipe components is not correctly solved or a self draining route segment does not satisfy the self draining style rule. Phantom pipe runs and flexible hose subassemblies. Phantom parts are not calculated into the bill of materials BOM structure. Pipe segments.
Tube or hose segments. Auto route regions that contain a series of continuous auto route segments that are automatically generated between selected geometry. Route points that are manually created or automatically generated in auto route regions. Derived routes. The context menu right-click accesses functions for operations on the selected component or feature in the browser.
Depending on the browser edit context and the selected item, all options may not be available. The same context menu options, plus viewing options, are available when you select the item in the graphics window.
Interactively positions intermediate route points in piping, tubing, or adobe premiere pro cc 2019 zoom free routes by dragging the triad in a planar mode, axial move or rotate, free movement, or entering values along X, Y, or Z axes. It is a way of repositioning the associated fitting that is placed in the run environment. Interactively positions free взято отсюда that have no associations in a run by dragging the triad in a planar mode, axial move or rotate, free movement, or entering values along X, Y, or Z axes.
It does not apply to conduit parts. Automatically adds normal sketched dimensions to linear, angular, and radial route elements during forward creation. Available in the route environment when the 3D Orthogonal Route tool is created. Bend Radius. BOM Structure. Determines whether the master runs assembly, run, route, hose assembly, or tube and pipe parts is normal BOM structure or reference BOM structure.
It is typically used to export specific routes and runs in BOM views. Break Link. Change Fitting Diameter. Autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free the diameter for one or more placed fittings and default fittings that are used by a ссылка на страницу to populate routes and runs.
The system finds the diameters that are common to all selected fittings and displays them in a list. Connect Fittings. Connects two components relative to one another in a tube and pipe assembly. You can connect a fitting, a conduit partor a normal Inventor part that already exists in the assembly to another base component.
You can also connect fittings when placing or dropping them in the graphics window. Create Constraint. Manually applies geometric constraints between route points, segments, and included reference geometry such as Perpendicular, Parallel, Tangent, Coincident, Collinear, and Fix. Create Pipe Run. Creates new pipe runs in the master runs assembly. For the first pipe run, the system automatically creates and names the master runs assembly along with an individual run.
Custom Bend. In the piping route environment, displays the 3D Orthogonal route autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free with tubing elements for defining a custom bend.
Delete Route. Removes the route, plus fittings and segments, or segments only in the selected route. Delete Run. Removes the selected pipe run from the browser and the graphics window. All routes and components in the pipe run are deleted. Derived Route. Uses base sketches in other part files except for route part files to create derived routes. Edit Base Sketch.
Activates the base sketch to accommodate new constrained sketch elements or correct autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free for the associated derived route. Edit Fitting Connections.
Deletes or edits the engagement for fitting connections between two fittings or between a tube, pipe, or hose part or a standard Inventor part and a fitting that was inserted using the Connect Fittings command. Edit Fitting Orientation. Activates the selected fitting and provides the 3D Orthogonal Route Tool for rotational changes.
Available for placed fittings in rigid routes, and start and end fittings in hose routes. Edit Position. Activates the 3D Orthogonal Route tool and reposition the intermediate route point that is associated with the default coupling fitting.
Enter Angle. Enters a precise angular value, especially used to define bend radius. Enter Distance. Enters a precise distance value, especially used to define route segments. Finish Edit. Ends the current edit operation for the selected route, run, and master runs assembly. Turns the appearance of a fitting coupling on and off for fittings associated to geometry. When not selected, the fitting is not created, the pipe remains a single segment, and the nodes remain associative.
General Dimension. Activates the environment of placing dimensions and places dimensions on the selected route element. If an autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free dimension is clicked, enters a new value in the Edit Dimension dialog box. Hose Length. Edits the hose and adjusts the length by changing the tension of the hose segment.
Insert Node. Inserts a route point in the selected route. By default, this new node adds a coupling at the selected route location. Available on the Route tab or in the context menu of the graphics window when a route is activated. Move Node. Moves the intermediate route autodesk inventor 2018 tube and pipe design free that is associated with the default coupling fitting to a new position.
The system recalculates auto route segments based on the new position of the selected route point. Move Segment. Moves route segments in an auto route region when adjacent route segments are on a planar face to a new position. The system recalculates auto route segments based on the new position of the selected segment.
New Route. Activates the Route environment and adds a route to the active run. Available on the Pipe Run tab or in the context menu of the graphics window when a pipe run is activated.
Views and edits parameters in the Parameters table, create user-defined parameters, and links to a spreadsheet containing parameter values for tube and pipe design models. Parallel With Edge. Reorients the direction axis of the 3D Orthogonal Route tool parallel with existing linear geometry and places the parallel geometry constraint on the next segment accordingly.
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